Is Control More Important than Curiosity?

A common complaint from teachers is that students are unmotivated and do not turn in the work assigned. Teachers either take it personally or wonder about our future as this apathetic generation ages into adulthood. It’s easy to forget what it is like to be a student. Not many teachers are compliant and eager during mandatory professional development training. It’s not apathy that produces this behavior, it’s boredom and disinterest. As an adult learner, sitting all day is an exercise in empathy for students. George Couros often asks, “Would you want to be a learner in your own classroom?”

Teachers and students alike check out when the work is not relevant to them. It is critical to spark curiosity and ignite passions for all of the learners in the school. It is a shot of energy to a campus when teachers are empowered to discover and pursue passions.

It’s no wonder that students fail to complete worksheets. How many worksheets spark curiosity and ignite passions? Standards-based instruction can be presented with inquiry and opportunities for students to pursue personal interests. The destination of students demonstrating concepts and skills remains the same. How the students arrive can be fueled by choice.

When teachers and students have the freedom to work on what they care about, the quality of the work they do improves. People rarely achieve goals that others set for them, yet we are afraid to relinquish control. Learners might choose a passion that’s not on the agenda. The problem is when compliance is the expectation, results are minimized.

In the last four years, I have given up control of many things. Student-centered learning requires that the teacher is not the sole decision-maker in the classroom. As I embraced this concept, I saw my students take ownership of their learning. I have seen better results and have been more responsive to student needs. Honoring learner interests and weaving passion into the work we do would result in powerful innovation.

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